Year published :2010

Pages :267 pp.

Size :15x23 cm.

ISBN: 9789749511862

Your Investment Guide to Thailand: Revised and Updated

by Bruce Bickerstaff

Foreword by Korn Chatikavanij, Finance Minister of Thailand

43 b/w illus., 15×23 cm

Your Investment Guide to Thailand is essential reading for foreign investors, expats, retirees, and anyone considering relocating to Thailand. It will also help Thai officials better understand the mindset of the foreign investor. This newly revised and updated version provides important new data and analysis on the Thai economy.

No other source, either in print or online, encompasses the range of information and advice contained in these pages. The book avoids jargon and sales-pitches in favour of plain English and easy-to-understand tables, graphs, and checklists that are supported by real-life examples. The Guide introduces the major investment choices in Thailand—real estate, gold, stocks, bonds, managed funds, and investment in a business—and gives details of past performance for each, together with practical information about how to make an investment. It also provides advice for those moving to Thailand, including legal issues like visas and work permits, and an overview of key economic, political, and social trends.

The book adopts a critical and unapologetic approach in its consideration of Thailand and Thai investment opportunities, exposing potential risks and benefits to ensure that investors make the most appropriate investments for their individual needs.

Through its comprehensive, step-by-step approach Your Investment Guide to Thailand will provide you access to the rewarding opportunities that await you in the fascinating Kingdom of Thailand.

What others are saying

“Bruce Bickerstaff makes the insightful point that ‘shrewd’ in Sydney or San Francisco does not necessarily mean ‘shrewd’ in Thailand. This is an excellent book for anyone not only interested in investing in Thailand but also for the general reader wanting to obtain insight into how Thailand operates.”—Mark Mobius, Executive Chairman, Templeton Asset Management

“Bruce’s book has no competition in the way it comprehensively discusses the various investment options available to foreign individuals from equities to debt instruments and derivatives as well as the all-important purchasing of real estate in Thailand. Serious investors will appreciate the assessment of Thailand’s monetary and fiscal policies as well as the impact of the global recession on the country’s economic prospects.”—Supavud Saicheua, Managing Director, Phatra Securities

“This book can’t replace the real life experience of the joys and pitfalls of investing in Thailand—but it’s the next best thing! It is a must read and valuable reference manual for the newcomer to Thailand as well as the seasoned expat, and should be kept close by and referred to every time a different investment comes along.”—Andrew Durieux, President of the Australia-Thai Chamber of Commerce

“There must now be many foreigners who have failed to successfully capitalise on the investment potential of this country who wish that this book had been available earlier.”—Graham MacDonald, Vice Chairman, British Chamber of Commerce in Thailand

About the Author

Bruce Bickerstaff has more than twenty years experience in professional and management roles in both the Australian government and private sectors. Over the past decade he has been an active investor and part-time resident of the Kingdom. In this book he shares the knowledge and experience he has gained in both roles.


  • First of its kind to provide a holistic view of foreign investment in Thailand
  • Written with the needs of ordinary individual investors firmly in mind
  • Focuses not just on wealth creation, but also the protection of existing assets
  • Provides up-to-date analysis of Thailand’s economic outlook, political trends, and cultural environment
  • Lists and explains key agencies, regulations, and processes of most relevance to foreign investors


  • How to plug the money in (The Nation, 9 January 2012)
  • The Guide revamped hits the shelves (Phuket Post, 13 June 2011)
  • An outsider looking in: An Australian financial planner offers tips for investment in Thailand, by Sean Trembath (Bangkok Post, 2 June 2011)
  • Popular guide gets makeover: Australian expat Bruce Bickerstaff’s Your Investment Guide to Thailand, originally released in Thailand in January last year and later in the USA, Australia and elsewhere, has been updated to take into account changes in the Thai economy since then (Phuket News, 2 June 2011)


Thailand | foreign investment | portfolio management | business risk | investment strategies | asset allocation | day trading

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