The SEATIDE-Silkworm Books Series
The SEATIDE-Silkworm Books series is a three-volume series written for the École française d’Extrême-Orient (EFEO), in the framework of the project “Integration in Southeast Asia: Trajectories of Inclusion, Dynamics of Exclusion” (SEATIDE) funded by the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7). The research leading to these results as well as their publication have received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme [FP7/2007–2013] under Grant Agreement n°320221.
SEATIDE partners:
-École française d’Extrême-Orient (France)
-University of Hamburg (Germany)
-University of Cambridge (UK)
-Tallinn University (Estonia)
-University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy)
-Universiti Sains Malaysia (Malaysia)
-Universitas Gadjah Mada (Indonesia)
-Chiang Mai University (Thailand)
-Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (Vietnam)