Stamps of Burma: A Historical Record through 1988
by Mekong PressMin Sun Min
The postage stamps of Burma, like stamps of other countries the world over, are a colorful visual record of its unique history, from the British colonial government through the Japanese occupation, the British military administration, Burmese independence, the revolutionary council, and the Burmese Way to Socialism.
But what of the most significant event in Burma's modern history — the pro-democracy uprising of 1988? No stamp depicts it. To fill this void, Min Sun Min has designed a few of his own stamps to commemorate this struggle for freedom and record the truth of this untold story in his country's historical narrative.
This imaginative book features each stamp issued in Burma through 1988, ending with a series of specially created stamps to be issued one day, Min writes, when Burma is free.
About the Author
is a freedom fighter, writer, educator, and artist. He is currently teaching graphic design at various colleges and universities in New York.
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